Reasons behind miscarriage - Things You Need To Know Today

Health & Fitness

Reasons behind miscarriage

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Miscarriages are still very difficult to live for the couple. But today, the risk factors for these “accidents” are becoming better known. Some are non-modifiable while others can be taken into account.

Risk factors for miscarriages:

The risk factors for miscarriage are multiple. These include:

Embryo anomalies

A genetic anomaly of the embryo is by far the most common cause of early miscarriage. This problem occurs most often at the time of conception by a genetic abnormality or by alterations of one or more chromosomes. In these cases, since the fetus is not viable, it is expelled spontaneously, sometimes even without the woman realizing it because it is very early embryo losses. Note that the genetic abnormalities may come from the spermatozoon of the father, especially if he is more than 50 years old.

Miscarriage related to maternal health

There are a number of maternal diseases that expose a miscarriage, such as poorly controlled diabetes, hormonal disorders, thyroid gland diseases, celiac disease, autoimmune diseases such as lupus, Blood clotting or abnormalities of the female reproductive system, including cervix, uterine fibroids, and micro-polycystic ovaries.


Certain medicines, including herbal medicines, may expose the mother to a risk of miscarriage. This is the case of aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, especially to avoid in early pregnancy. But certain plants may also be at risk of miscarriage, such as absinthe, mugwort, chamomile as well as certain laxative plants (cascara, senna …). For this reason, it is always essential to consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking medicines or plants during pregnancy.

Exposure to external substances or factors

In some cases, exposure to external factors or substance use may also pose a risk of miscarriage. Such is the case of infections, in particular, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, listeriosis or salmonellosis. An episode of high fever is also considered a risk factor, as is the consumption of toxic substances (drugs, alcohol, tobacco and even excessive consumption of coffee). Exposure to certain chemicals used in industry, pesticides or large doses of electromagnetic waves above 50 Hz may also be responsible for miscarriage.

Late pregnancy

A late pregnancy, particularly after 40 years and especially if it is a first pregnancy, is recognized as a significant risk factor for early miscarriage.

Amniocentesis, a low risk

Amniocentesis is a micro-invasive procedure for taking a few milliliters of amniotic fluid with a very fine needle. The aim of this examination is to perform a karyotype of the fetal cells to detect chromosomal abnormalities. Its indications are precise and framed. This may result in a low risk of miscarriage (1% of cases).

Avoiding Risk Factors for Miscarriage

If all the factors that can lead to miscarriage are not preventable, others are preventable and must be avoided at all costs by the future mother. So it’s a matter of common sense. For example, smoking, alcohol consumption during pregnancy, drug use and the avoidance of allopathic or herbal drug use should be avoided without the advice of a physician or pharmacist. Concerning infectious risks, for mothers not carrying antibodies against toxoplasma and more generally to avoid contamination, avoid uncooked meats, unpasteurized dairy products or even raw seafood. Finally, vaccinating against rubella at least 3 months before the beginning of pregnancy under strict contraception is an important point.

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